[Initial import Christian Neukirchen **20050313133841 Import of John Wiegley's darcsum.el version 1.00 ] [Fix regexps for prompts Christian Neukirchen **20050313134209 The regular expressions to match "Shall I * this patch?" have been updated. ] [Support for context diffs Christian Neukirchen **20050313134814 With `u' you can now toggle whether `diff -u'-like context should be displayed. ] [Handle changed darcs whatsnew exit value Christian Neukirchen **20050313134924 darcs whatsnew has been changed to return 1 if there are no changes. ] [Bugfix Christian Neukirchen **20050313134940] [Provide darcsum Christian Neukirchen **20050313135028 Added (provide 'darcsum) so you can load darcsum with (require 'darcsum) in your .emacs. ] [Activate font-lock by default Christian Neukirchen **20050313135041] [Add TODO Christian Neukirchen **20050313135241] [Reenable undo for darcs-comment-mode Christian Neukirchen **20050313162549] [Don't bark if there are no changes on redo Christian Neukirchen **20050313162703] [Ask whether to use existing *darcs comment* buffer and record Christian Neukirchen **20050313165044] [Add Xtla like record messaging writing Christian Neukirchen **20050313173548 * darcsum.el (darcsum-add-comment): New function lifted from Xtla. ("\C-xD"): New keybinding. ] [New TODO entry Christian Neukirchen **20050313173622] [Allow both the old and new prompts Christian Neukirchen **20050313175224] [Code rearranginng Christian Neukirchen **20050313175655] [Capitalize messages Christian Neukirchen **20050313175858] [Add my writing about the "perfect darcs mode" Christian Neukirchen **20050313184422] [Bugfix Christian Neukirchen **20050320133934] [Ensure TERM=emacs to (partly) disable darcs highlighting Christian Neukirchen **20050320135258] [Convert left-over ANSI sequences Christian Neukirchen **20050320141912] [Handle question for mail adress Christian Neukirchen **20050320162240] [Use simple text properties rather than font-lock mode David E. Long **20050414133002 ] [Add TERM=emacs to process-environment for record, send, and revert David E. Long **20050414133135] [Handle changes and removals for binary files David E. Long **20050417133500] [Further clean-ups for addfile and rmfile patches David E. Long **20050418012647 Internally, keep track of whatever other changes darcs spit out for added or removed files, so that we'll know what to do if asked about those changes during recording. However, keep toggle from showing any other changes. Once this is done, the ignore-next-hunk stuff can be dropped from parsing change sets. It was causing problems in the rmfile case, since darcs was spitting out the hunk that should have been ignored before the rmfile. ] [Put optional --unified at end of whatsnew options for darcsum-whatsnew David E. Long **20050418144807 Otherwise with prefix arg, implying --look-for-adds, the command that is executed is darcs whatsnew --no-summary "" --look-for-adds, which darcs takes to mean look for changes in the files "" and "--look-for-adds". At any rate, darcs prints What's new in "" "--look-for-adds": at the start of the change set, which confuses the change set parsing. ] [Update header Christian Neukirchen **20050419185253] [Handle new darcs questions Matthieu Lemerre **20050727204338] [Derive darcsum-mode from fundamental-mode, not text-mode Christian Neukirchen **20050803103437 This will make darcsum-mode not use text-mode's hooks, which can be inappropriate (proposed by Björn Lindström). ] [require 'cl Christian Neukirchen **20050907132755 As reported by lelit on #darcs and Lukasz Pankowski, cl is needed for some functions darcsum.el uses. While per definition cl should not be required at runtime by user libraries, I don't see an easier way yet to tackle that issue. ] [Add definition of line-beginning-position for XEmacs Christian Neukirchen **20050918102018 Aaron Kaplan writes: > darcsum-whatsnew doesn't work on xemacs because > line-beginning-position is undefined. I found a definition in the > following file, and now that I've evaluated that definition, darcsum > seems to be working fine. > > http://www.jl42.de/linux/boxquote.el ] [Checking darcsum-mode in destructive interactive commands Christian Neukirchen **20050923155541 Lukasz Pankowski writes: > Some of the interactive commands in darcsum.el are destructive. Most > will replace whole content of the current buffer with darcsum-mode > stuff (as darcsum-add) and one (darcsum-quit) will kill the buffer. > > Their current behaviour makes sense only in the darcsum-mode. The > attached patch checks this is the case. I did not add check in all > interactive commands such as darcs-next-line which only move around > the buffer. ] [Don't record with an empty record comment Christian Neukirchen **20050926124017 Ryszard Kubiak writes: > 2. On C-c C-c please check if the first line of the buffer > offered by "c" contains any visible characters. If the line > is empty darcs asks for the patch name which darcsum is not > aware off. darcs creates then a lock file which blocks subsequent > actions. By inspecting the first line darcsum may prevent darcs > from doing that. ] [Remove shortcut for darcsum-remove Christian Neukirchen **20050926125203 Ryszard Kubiak writes: > 5. Please change the meaning of "r". I am absolutely convinced > that removing both the file its repo contents in one step > is a very bad habbit. There are very many means in the operating > system and in Emacs for removing files. Removing a file, even > if preceded with a query, may be not what the user wants to achieve. > For example if a file has been included to darcs's "boring" > category then one may want to remove its changes from the repo but > not the file as such. If you insist that the behaviour is something > most users are happy with then add an option to the query that follows > "r", asking whether the file should stay. ] [Small documentation improvements Christian Neukirchen **20050926125451 Suggested by Ryszard Kubiak. ] [Propose the root of the repository not current directory lele@metapensiero.it**20051004134441 Now darcsum-whatsnew and darcsum-view propose the root of the darcs repository, found by looking for the closer "_darcs" up in the parents, instead of current-directory. ] [Added darcsum-diff-switches Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20050908092016 darcsum-diff-switches are extra arguments given to diff ] [Added "?" command to darcs-mode. Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20050908092043] [Use point-at-bol as line-beginning-position a'la XEmacs Pekka Pessi **20051005212805] [Allow darcsum-whatsnew to show changes within a single directory in repo. Pekka Pessi **20051006122336] [Added darcsum-whatsnew-switches. Pekka Pessi **20051006123658] [Fix default-directory for GNU Emacs Christian Neukirchen **20051007160738] [Document most interactive commands. lele@metapensiero.it**20051007101155] [Fix prompt, there is no apply involved. lele@metapensiero.it**20051007101259] [Small bugfix for darcsum-repository-root Christian Neukirchen **20051105112101 David Wallin writes: > Attached is a small patch that you might incorporate. The reason for > the patch is that if I do M-x darcsum-whatsnew on the *scratch* > buffer, the function `darcsum-repository-root' gets stuck in an > infinite loop (my default-directory being "~/") ] [ Use `read-file-name' if `read-directory-name' not available. Dave Love **20051123105323] [Several fixes. Dave Love **20051123111653 (add-log, cl): Require (only) at compile time. (darcsum): Remove :version. (darcsum-make-temp-file): Test for feature, not XEmacs. (darcsum-whatsnew-switches): Move before use. ] [Replace make-variable-buffer-local, string-to-int. Dave Love **20051123112759 The former is a mistake, the latter warned about in Emacs 22. (string-to-number is long available.) ] [Doc and message fixes. Dave Love **20051123114009] [Misc fixes. Dave Love **20051123114205 (line-beginning-position): Use `defalias', not `fset'. (darcsum-show-context): Declare. (darcsum-parse-changeset): Fix assertion. ] [Fix darcsum-next-entity. Dave Love **20051123152222 (darcsum-line-is): New. (darcsum-next-entity): Use dotimes. Check change lines correctly when showing context. ] [Use file-truename when determining the repository root to handle symlinks lele@metapensiero.it**20051123192616] [Make find-file functions like pcvs. Dave Love **20051123153018 (darcsum-find-file-other-window): New. (darcsum-find-file): Use new args. Maybe go to change position. ] [Add menu. Dave Love **20051123183942 (darcsum-mode-map): Define in defvar. (darcsum-menu): New. ] [Use environment to suppress darcs highlighting. Dave Love **20051124125705 Set DARCS_DONT_ESCAPE_TRAILING_SPACES and DARCS_DONT_COLOR in process environment rather than TERM, and remove ansi-color stuff. ] [Use easy-menu-add to display the menu on XEmacs Christian Neukirchen **20051201131833 Matthias Radestock writes: > the latest darcsum.el at > http://chneukirchen.org/repos/darcsum/darcsum.el > doesn't display the darcs menu under XEmacs. I believe the fix is to add > (easy-menu-add darcsum-menu darcsum-mode-map) > to the mode declaration, i.e. > ... > That certainly seems to work for me, but I am not an Emacs expert. ] [Make darcsum-whatsnew work properly when the user accepts the default root directory. Aaron Kaplan **20051220125145 Without this patch, if I just hit return when prompted for the directory in which to run darcs whatsnew, it uses the current directory rather than the one it proposed. I wonder if this behavior depends on the emacs version--I'm using xemacs 21.4p17. ] [Look for _darcs/pristine as well as _darcs/current. Dave Love **20060108010228] [Doc and message fixes. Dave Love **20051123151003] [Derive darcsum-comment-mode from indented-text-mode. Dave Love **20051123152630 (darcsum-comment-mode): Use define-derived-mode. (darcsum-comment-mode-map): Re-written. (darcsum-comment-mode-hook): Remove defcustom. ] [darcs-path changes. Dave Love **20060108155213 Make it a defun and use file-name-as-directory. Use it elsewhere. ] [Use `diff-switches'. Dave Love **20060108155515] [darcsum-mode-related changes. Dave Love **20060110185207 Don't call font-lock-mode (unnecessary) or use-local-map (redundant). Use mode-class 'special. Add :group. Don't use easy-menu-add in Emacs. Add trailing-whitespace option to mode hook and fix darcsum-display-changeset not to use trailing whitespace. ] [Shows a buffer with the output from darcs when there is an error brunomlopes@gmail.com**20060317191644] [xemacs does not support the 'weight' and 'slant' face attributes Matthias Radestock **20060325111545 use (:italic t) instead of (:slant italic) and (:bold t) instead of (:weight bold) - these seem to work fine in both Emacs and XEmacs ] [always display existing *darcs comment* buffer when recording a change Matthias Radestock **20060325171312] [Error when trying to diff a non-recorded file Christian Neukirchen **20060503152130 From: Nic > Anyway, here's a patch for a problem I found with diff. I'm not sure > this does the right thing but it's better than the error I got in the > first place: ] [handle patch -> change rename in darcs 1.0.7 hanwen@lilypond.org**20060519115945] [Relaying "Waiting for lock" messages to emacs. Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20060527202157] [Killing buffer when darcs gives up waiting for lock. Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20060530104943] [Trying to fix darcs seeking problems. Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20060530105600 Sometimes darcs has read extra input from terminal and it tries to return the already read characters back to input stream by seeking backwards in stream. However, this is not allowed by runtime library and darcs dies with runtime error. I try to avoid this bug by just sending "y" or "n" to darcs process. However, this kludge does not work if the input stream is handled in cooked mode (line-by-line, as opposed to raw character-by-character mode). ] [Send linefeed to "do you really want" question, too. Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20060530180942] [darcsum-process-sentinel displays message from unexpectedly dying darcs. Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20060531075126] [Using clone-buffer only where available. Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20060607163829] [Speed up in darcsum-process-filter. Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20060607164946 Do not check for changeset until complete change has been read to buffer. ] [Updates to darcsum-whatsnew. Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20060607170041 Added darcsum-whatsnew-at-toplevel and gave it default value of t. If darcsum-whatsnew-at-toplevel is nil, use cwd as default value. Allow running darcsum-whatsnew also in subdirectory of repo, too. I have lot of subdirs and I don't want to clutter my view with them. When calling darsum-whatsnew interactively, do look-for-adds if darcsum-look-for-adds or prefix-arg is given. It looks like call to (interactive) was broken and --look-for-adds was always used. --look-for-adds is awfully slow becase darcs likes to read all the non-boring files in the repo to the memory. Using (interactive-p) to prohibit extra (message)s. ] [darcsum-process-filter: removed let y n used for debugging Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20060607203511] [darcsum-start-process: added. Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20060607203722 Start darcsum process, set up environment and avoid pty's. If we use pty on Linux (2.6.16), darcs (1.0.7) fails always with seek error after change #245 on XEmacs (21.4.15). ] [darcsum-process-sentinel: fixed spelling mistake Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20060607204441] [Added support for replace, toggling file "visibility". Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20060818162247 In order to support "replace", the changeset format had to be updated first. For each non-hunk change, there are two symbols, e.g., -replace and replace. The replace is visible, -replace is not. These symbols can now be toggled. Also suppporting file-level "visibility". addfile, newfile, rmfile and binary are toggled at file level, "visible" files are shown with *. Added functions (darcsum-toggle-item) to toggle item (from visible to invisible, and vice versa), (darcsum-item-visible-p) to test if item is visible, (darcsum-visible-item) to turn item to visible and (darcsum-invisible-item) to turn item to invisible. Everything that is not negative number and/or special invisible symbol are considered visible. Added function darcsum-change-< which is used to compare changes when adding and merging changesets. For this reason, addfile, newfile, rmfile and binary are sorted first. ] [Fixed "Waiting for lock" regexp. Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20060818162452] [era's trivial trailing whitespace fixes era eriksson **20061002145020] [era's elisp convention fixes (arguments in UPPERCASE, full stop at end). era eriksson **20061002145159] [era's documentation fixes part II: documentation for darcsum-whatsnew era eriksson **20061002164334 Documenting the function which is advertised as the main entry point to the code kind of makes sense ... ] [era's documentation fixes part III: explain marked vs. visible era eriksson **20061002164500 This updates the documentation and some comments to better reflect how (I understand) the code works wrt "marked" vs "visible" changes in the darcsum buffer ] [era's additional typo / consistency fixes (comments && punctuation) era eriksson **20061002174744 These changes I'm slightly less confident in, but of course, they're not changing anything too drastically, and anyway, easy enough to back out. Humor me for wanting these in a separate commit ... ] [era's trivial line-wrapping changes (80 columns max) era eriksson **20061002174757] [era's documentation fixes part IIb: documentation string for darcsum-view era eriksson **20061002180436 The other entry point to the code, as per the ;;;###autoload comments ] [era's TODO comments era eriksson **20061003042715] [era's window configuration fix: remove variable `darcsum-register' era eriksson **20061003140505 Instead, introduce `darcs-window-configuration-temp' into which the actual window configuration is stored. That way, we avoid trampling any user data in a register. ] [darcsum-changes Henrik Hjelte **20070210123327] [darcsum-changes how-many argument Henrik Hjelte **20070210151244] [darcsum-amend Henrik Hjelte **20070210191952] [return value from darcs-changes, needed by darcs-amend Henrik Hjelte **20070211104648] [darcsum-comment-hook nik gaffney **20070226144656 added a run-hook at the end of darcs-record, to enable hooks to be run during record (eg. on the comment buffer) ] [Added DARCS_DONT_ESCAPE_TRAILING_CR to process environment dag.hoidahl@fix.no**20070307091842] [darcsum-ediff opens pristine version read only, restores old window configuration. stucchio@math.rutgers.edu**20070517204637 Function darcsum-ediff causes emacs to open _darcs/pristine/filename as well as filename for editing. This is simply behavior of ediff. However, _darcs/pristine/filename should not be edited. It is now opened as read only. Also, the old window configuration is restored after ediff is closed. ] [Match change in move case clinton@unknownlamer.org**20070828232046 Fixes darcsum hanging when a file move is in the current changeset ] [Bound TAB to something useful so it doesn't trash the *darcs* buffer. yoni-r@actcom.com**20070902102258] [Add support for the darcs query manifest feature. yonirabkin@member.fsf.org**20070926095710] [fmt and move stuff around and suchlike to remove *most* of the byte-compile warnings. Not extensively tested, but seems to work gwern0@gmail.com**20071221184105] [Minor documentation fix. yoni@rabkins.net**20080215192811] [Extend changes-mode to support the "q", "n" and "p" keybinding idioms. yoni@rabkins.net**20080215193005] [darcsum.el (darcsum-record): prefer `log-edit' over `darcsum-comment-mode' era eriksson **20080406092909 `log-edit' ships with Emacs starting with version 21.1 and provides changelog integration, commit message history, and other niceties. If it is not available (as per `fboundp', fall back to `darcsum-comment-mode'. ] [darcsum.el (darcsum-query-mode): refer to `darcsum-query-manifest' in doc era eriksson **20080406093320 rather than nonexistent function `darcsum-query'. ] [darcsum.el: Trivial wrapping changes to fit code within 80 columns era eriksson **20080406094313 Some of the long regular expressions are still overlong ] [darcsum.el: rename `pre-darcsum-ediff-window-configuration' to darcsum-pre-... era eriksson **20080406113328 For consistency, and in keeping with general Elisp coding conventions, all variables should have names which start with `darcsum-' ] [Fix for Darcs 2: Don't depend on the patch being wrapped by {} Christian Neukirchen **20080409153927] [darcsum-process-filter: skipping "Skipped record of n patch." message pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080414125335] [darcsum-amend: fixed pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080414141347] [darcsum-make-temp-file: creating temp file inside _darcs pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080414144119] [darcsum-whatsnew: refactored error display pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080414152629] [Warn users of empty changesets before darcs does. pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080415202114] [Added (darcsum-new-buffer). pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080415202459 Create a buffer for darcsum-whatsnew containing repo name, like *darcs darcsum*. ] [darcsum.el: removed darcsum-change-line Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20080411131616] [darcsum.el: refactored changeset data structure pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080411215041 Mark/hide is included in a cons cell of each change. Removed item functions, added functions handling change/changeset. ] [Refactoring changeset format and text properties in *darcs* buffer. pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080414145310 The changeset is now flat, there is no directory substructure (making it possible to add adddir/rmdir/move). The path to each change is stored directly as 'darcsum-path property, it is not split to 'darcsum-dir and 'darcsum-file properties. ] [darcsum-selected-changeset now selects change at point if there are no marks. pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080414145420] [Added support for move, adddir, and rmdir. pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080414165126] [darcsum-add: work better with marked changes pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080418133712 don't signal error if marked set contains at least one 'newfile or 'newdir ] [darcsum-mouse-toggle-mark: added pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080418133733] [darcsum-output-environment added. pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080418161231] [darcsum-find-file: fixed case where other is 'dont-select pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080421204108] [darcsum-display-change: added, bound to key v pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080421210111] [darcsum-mark-and-next-entity, darcsum-unmark-and-next-entity: added pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080421210708 darcsum-mark-and-next-entity is bound to SP darcsum-unmark-and-next-entity to DEL / BS Added also darcsum-change-unmark-p and darcsum-changeset-any-unmarked-p used to find next unmarked entity. ] [darcsum-remove: refactored. always ask for yes-or-no. pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080421210825] [darcsum-find-file-other-window, darcsum-goto: updated documentation pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080421210927 Added (darcsum-check-darcsum-mode), too. ] [darcsum-redo, darcsum-toggle-context: try harder not to lose marks pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080421211726] [darcsum-display-changeset: refactored pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080421212623 Renamed display properties: darcsum-line-type is 'dir 'file 'change darcsum-line-path contains the path to dir/file darcsum-line-change contains the changes in dir/file or the change in change in question move is now shown more gracefully with other changes. Added darcsum-whitespace-ateol-face, used to display eol at the end of lines. Ditched show-trailing-whitespace usage. Refactored darcsum-reposition, darcsum-find-file, and darcsum-next-entity accordingly. Added darcsum-change-add-mark, darcsum-changeset-all-p, darcsum-changeset-all-marked-p, darcsum-changeset-all-visible-p. ] [darcsum-find-file: removed xemacs-ism from (recenter) Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com**20080423162826] [darcsum-amend-confirmation-function: variable: amend confirmation function era eriksson **20080426073900 darcsum-amend-confirmation: default function, broken out from darcsum-amend ] [darcsum-changes-mode: docstring wrongly pointed to darcsum-comment-mode-map era eriksson **20080427090027 The correct keymap is darcsum-changes-mode-map ] [ds-new-buffer, ds-changes, ds-make-temp-file: Expand documentation stubs era eriksson **20080427082218] [darcsum-apply-and-next-entity: using elisp idiom pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080424150453] [darcsum-refresh: cleaned code (to use point-at-bol) pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080424150458] [darcsum-insert-file-line: display only basepart pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080424150508 Display file.c instead of ./foo/bar/baz/in/way/too/deep/dir/file.c ] [darcsum-toggle-context: using darcsum-redo pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080424181136] [Keep subdirectory with darcsum-redo. pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080424190758 Gracefully work with redo if working in a subdirectory. ] [Added command darcsum-show, bound M-RET to it. pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080425000639 Added function darcsum-change-remove-hide. ] [darcsum-refresh now accepts target line as an argument. pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080425002341] [darcsum-display: prefer existing darcsum buffer pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080425002615 The command darcsum-whatsnew used to create new buffer each time it was invoked. Now, if there already is a buffer for displaying changes for the darcs repository (and subdirectory within it), darcsum-display uses the existing buffer. It also warns user if some changes are not visible. If customization variable darcsum-display-with-existing-buffer is nil, darcsum-display always creates new buffer. Added functions darcsum-find-buffer and darcsum-where-is. ] [darcsum-find-file: move point to correct line within hunk change pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080425094213] [defsubst darcsum-get-line-type added pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080425113719] [darcsum-apply-and-next-entity don't stop at dir unless started at dir pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080425113727 Make darcsum-mark-and-next-entity (SP) and darcsum-unmark-and-next-entity (DEL) behave less surprisingly. ] [defsubst darcsum-get-line-type added pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080425102521] [darcsum-apply-and-next-entity don't stop at dir unless started at dir pekka+darcsum@pessi.fi**20080425104703 Make darcsum-mark-and-next-entity (SP) and darcsum-unmark-and-next-entity (DEL) behave less surprisingly. ] [Fix conflicts Christian Neukirchen **20080427104420] [GNU Emacs alternative to sorted-key-descriptions Christian Neukirchen **20080427122614] [darcsum-process-filter skips Skipped message for revert, too pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080516130318] [darcsum-remove now runs darcs remove pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080516130424 Rebound to r. Check that darcs remove does not do anything wild, too. ] [darcsum-process-sentinel: check for Couldn't get lock message and show it pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080516130447] [darcsum-start-process uses --quiet with darcs 2 pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080516130506 darcs 2 inserts all kind of progress messages unless --quiet is used. darcsum-darcs-2-options variable added. ] [darcsum-boring: fixed darcsum-line-path usage, proposed regexp for dir pekka+darcsum AT pessi DOT fi**20080516130615] [Use --quite for darcs 2 in darcs-whatsnew, darcs-remove and darcs-add Alexey Lebedeff **20081206133259] [Add ;;;###autoload comment to `darcsum-changes', too era eriksson **20081222054403] [50darcsum.el: autoloads for Debian / Ubuntu era eriksson **20081222054524] [50darcsum.el: omit path name from autoloads; trust load-path instead era eriksson **20090121200202] [Expand and clarify documentation for `darcsum-call-process' and wrap era eriksson **20090216194621 long lines in code in adherence with general 80-column conventions. (Update for patch of Sat Dec 6 15:32:59 EET 2008 by Alexey Lebedeff which introduced the `darcsum-call-process' wrapper.) ] [Reword documentation for `darcsum-remove', hopefully clarifying it era eriksson **20090217083747] [Add documentation string for `darcsum-really-record' era eriksson **20090217164628] [Add documentation string for `darcsum-query-kill-buffer' era eriksson **20090217165247] [Error message formatting and minor whitespace fixes for CheckDoc era eriksson **20090217165323] [Clean up documentation strings for numerous functions. era eriksson **20090217165619 Make sure arguments are listed in the right order. Also some other minor formatting fixes. Removes a good number of CheckDoc warnings. ] [amend after revert produces a warning prompt which was not handled era eriksson **20090404070514]