BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE config ( salt VARCHAR(255) ); INSERT INTO config VALUES('NeVeRcHaN'); CREATE TABLE discussions ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, post_id INTEGER, title VARCHAR(255), last_age DATETIME, channel VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (post_id) REFERENCES posts(id) --FOREIGN KEY (channel) REFERENCES channels(name) ); INSERT INTO discussions VALUES(1,NULL,'New Fugi installation','2006-01-26 22:14:14',NULL); CREATE TABLE posts ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, content TEXT, author VARCHAR(64), tripcode CHAR(6), created DATETIME, parent INTEGER, discussion_id INTEGER, ipaddress CHAR(16) NOT NULL, sage BOOL DEFAULT FALSE, FOREIGN KEY (parent) REFERENCES posts(id), FOREIGN KEY (discussion_id) REFERENCES discussions(id) ); INSERT INTO posts VALUES(1,'Gratulations for a new, successful Fugi installation. Brought to you by Christian Neukirchen, Fugi main developer.','chris2','t2wdu7','2006-01-26 22:12:09',NULL,1,'','FALSE'); INSERT INTO posts VALUES(2,'If something is unclear, please have a look at the documentation, linked to on the bottom of this site.','chris2','t2wdu7','2006-01-26 22:13:24',1,1,'','FALSE'); INSERT INTO posts VALUES(3,'P.S.: Please mail bug-reports, patches, feature requests and ideas for improvement to','chris2','t2wdu7','2006-01-26 22:14:14',1,1,'','FALSE'); CREATE TABLE threads ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, head INTEGER, title VARCHAR(255), last_age DATETIME, channel VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (head) REFERENCES posts(id) --FOREIGN KEY (channel) REFERENCES channels(name) ); INSERT INTO threads VALUES(1,1,'First Fugi thread','2006-01-17 18:05:29','meta'); INSERT INTO threads VALUES(2,8,'Second Fugi thread :-)','2006-01-17 18:05:29','meta'); CREATE INDEX discussion_by_post_id ON discussions (post_id); CREATE INDEX post_by_disussion_id ON posts (discussion_id); COMMIT;