Title: Introduction Page: introduction ## What is Nukumi2? Nukumi2 is a very flexible and open framework for building static and dynamic content websites. It was mainly created to allow blogging and has features to ease this, but in general, every kind of mainly content providing website can be generated with it. This documentation, for example, was generated with it too. ## What is it not? Nukumi2 it not a web application framework. In case you wanted one, there are enough around; look for IOWA, Rails, Cerise, Wee to get started. Nukumi2 is not a wiki. Check Ruwiki, Instiki if you want one. ## Audience This documentation was made for different audiences. See this table for the best order to read: (Of course, nothing will stop you from reading everything... :-))
If you are a...then read...
Blogger Core Concepts, A Step-by-step Guide to Your Own Blog, Use Cases/Blog
Webmaster Core Concepts, How does Nukumi2 work?, Use Cases/Small Site
Advanced Nukumi2 user Customizing and Extending Nukumi2
Curious Programmer Core Concepts, How does Nukumi2 work?, Use Cases, Customizing and Extending Nukumi2
Hacker The source code :-)
## Philosophy Nukumi2 wasn't made without a reason; there are enough CMS and Blogs around already. However, no-one really satisfied my needs. I wanted static pages (also see [Bake, Don't Fry](http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/000404) and [Building Baked Sites](http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/000406) by Aaron Swartz), extreme flexibility but ease of use, too. Nukumi2 directly reflects these needs: Almost anything can be overridden, changed without hacking it's source directly. In case it can't, consider this as a design mistake that should be reported and discussed. Nukumi2 isn't the first blogging system I wrote, there were at least 10 before, which, at varying stages from "Mindflash" to "Used for months" finally were interrupted and trashed. Nukumi, the tool I used before, worked for 7 months till I acknowledged that it was totally and unfixably broken. The idea of Nukumi2 came during Euruko 2004 to my mind, and I hacked together an (awful, admittedly) proof of concept implementation in 2 weeks. The rewrite of this prototype is what you see here, and I hope it can satisfy your needs. Of course, Nukumi2 also---as everything---has it's downsides. Some things may appear quirky to you, and there are still lots of rough edges here and there. Some concepts, syntaxes and ideas may look alien to you, but they reflect my thinking. I encourage you to give it a try; if you can only find some things that annoy you, fix them---this should be possibly easily, I hope. Should more and more things annoy you, go ahead and look for other software. If you get happy with it, that's fine; in case you don't, feel free to go back and customize Nukumi2. Don't forget too mail patches, I'll have a look at them, and if the idea is reasonable to be included in the core, it will be there in the next release. Last, but by far not least, Nukumi2 was made to do *The Right Thing*. Generated output should be---by default--valid at the strictest level of interpretation. In case it isn't, or you broke it without knowing, please file a bug. Web standards are important if we want to keep our Web useful in the future. ## License Nukumi2 itself is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Some general-purpose libraries included are licensed under the same terms as Ruby itself. In case above is a problem, feel free to mail me. I could imagine making exceptions for special cases.