Starting with tag: [TAG 0.1 Christian Neukirchen **20070303124246] [Fix things that should have been fixed before the release *sigh* Christian Neukirchen **20070303172003] [Fix Camping redirects into Strings when they're URIs Aredridel **20070304022942] [Adding Rack::Auth::Basic Tim Fletcher **20070304151226] [Integrate patches Christian Neukirchen **20070306121952] [Load pp when debugging Christian Neukirchen **20070306211200] [Cookie based session management middleware.**20070309234006] [Fix Rack::Session::Cookie Christian Neukirchen **20070310143850] [Make Rack::Response#write call #to_s Christian Neukirchen **20070311135012 proposed by Gary Wright ] [Added Rack::Static middleware.**20070311134325] [Ducktype on #to_str for Christian Neukirchen **20070311140427 proposed by Gary Wright ] [Integrate Rack::Static Christian Neukirchen **20070311140658] [Make sure we get a valid empty session hash in all cases.**20070312160400] [Add a test for the broken cookie sessions Christian Neukirchen **20070312164544] [Doc fix, Request should have been Reponse Christian Neukirchen **20070324143650 Thanks, apeiros ] [Adding Rack::Auth::Digest::MD5, and refactoring Auth::Basic accordingly Tim Fletcher **20070326212732] [Small cleanup Christian Neukirchen **20070327090602] [Add a list of HTTP status messages Christian Neukirchen **20070329142005] [Add Rack::ShowStatus, a filter to generate common error messages Christian Neukirchen **20070329142432] [Add Request#fullpath Christian Neukirchen **20070330131207] [Ensure Rack::ShowStatus passes on headers Tim Fletcher **20070403200939] [Make Rack::Auth handlers compatible with Rack::ShowStatus Tim Fletcher **20070403201720] [An example of how to use Rack::Auth::Basic. Protect your lobsters! Tim Fletcher **20070403205605] [Some initial documentation for the main authentication classes Tim Fletcher **20070403205822] [Minor tweaks Tim Fletcher **20070403205913] [Add Rack::Response#empty? Christian Neukirchen **20070418131558] [Make ShowStatus more robust Christian Neukirchen **20070426140503] [Add missing autoload for Cascade in rack.rb Christoffer Sawicki **20070429125505] [Add some more edge-case tests to improve coverage Christian Neukirchen **20070511145605] [Introduce Rack::Response::Helpers and make MockResponse use them, too. Christian Neukirchen **20070511151228] [Remove the Rails adapter, it was never useful Christian Neukirchen **20070511153111] [Make Rack::Handler::*.run yield the server for further configuration Christian Neukirchen **20070515154342] [add some features to Request and the corresponding tests for them Michael Fellinger **20070515234231] [replace the 'system' calls in Rakefile with 'sh', making them more transparent and --trace able Michael Fellinger **20070515234441] [Small docfixes Christian Neukirchen **20070516143224] [Yield the servers optionally Christian Neukirchen **20070516144306] [Update README Christian Neukirchen **20070516144435] [Fix trailing whitespace. Sigh. Christian Neukirchen **20070516145358] [Different approach to Mongrel#run testing Christian Neukirchen **20070516150118]