module type Dump = sig type a val to_buffer : Buffer.t -> a -> unit val to_string : a -> string val to_channel : out_channel -> a -> unit val from_stream : char Stream.t -> a val from_string : string -> a val from_channel : in_channel -> a end module Defaults (P : sig type a val to_buffer : Buffer.t -> a -> unit val from_stream : char Stream.t -> a end) : Dump with type a = P.a exception Dump_error of string module Dump_int32 : Dump with type a = Int32.t module Dump_int64 : Dump with type a = Int64.t module Dump_nativeint : Dump with type a = Nativeint.t module Dump_int : Dump with type a = int module Dump_char : Dump with type a = char module Dump_string : Dump with type a = string module Dump_float : Dump with type a = float module Dump_num : Dump with type a = Num.num module Dump_bool : Dump with type a = bool module Dump_unit : Dump with type a = unit module Dump_list (P : Dump) : Dump with type a = P.a list module Dump_option (P : Dump) : Dump with type a = P.a option module Dump_undumpable (P : sig type a val tname : string end) : Dump with type a = P.a module Dump_via_marshal (P : sig type a end) : Dump with type a = P.a